Sunday, December 30, 2012

Another attempt in the world of blogging

     I planned to create blog site since 2008.  But until now I do not have any blog site that is properly maintained.  I have created two blog sites before but after couple of written articles I was not able to continue it.  I've been busy in many things like work projects, attending meetings, learning new things, spending quality time with my family, and doing other things that I tend forget to write articles when I had a chance to.
     The very main reason that I want to create blog site is to improve speaking and writing English language.  The other reasons are to share or express something, and to be able to break in to search engine optimization (SEO) world.  Before the year 2013 start, I again will try to create new blog site and hopefully this time I can maintain posting as many articles as I could.  I will not only write articles for a specific topic like food, technologies, sports etc. because it will just limit me in writing what I want to share, but instead I will write anything interesting or maybe not interesting topics.  Anything I can think based on my daily experiences or something I read, watched, experienced that I think useful or worth sharing.  Good luck again to me and I hope there will be more readers that will visit my site.